Monday, July 6, 2009

Hi beloveds, just felt like sharing this with u guys especially for those who are still trusting god for the money to go to Israel.

Let me start by saying that, You have A BIG, POWERFUL, RICH, SUPERNATURAL GOD!!! Which u have found favor in. Yesterday during service, God just drop me this verse Matthew 7:7-8 7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. For many of u all, i am sure u know about this verses and they are no stranger to u. but yet i always wonder why we can just ask and we will receive. why not we just get what we want even without receiving. It is because, God wants u to use your rights as a son of God, as a righteous person and as someone who is called by God " My Beloved".

The second thing is that, why when we ask we will receive even though it is not really a need but a want. Lets put it this way, imagine u have so much favor with Bill Gates, who earns $500 every second, that one day he came up to u and ask u what u want. U can even ask him for a private jet and it does not even hurt his flow of money. It probably only cost him 0.01% of all the wealth he has. But yet, we have favor with the God who created everything, who made Solomon the richest man in history, God who clove the lilies of the field way better than solomon in all his glory. How much more you, His beloved. What is $1000 to the God of the universe? how many seconds it will take God to earn $1000. when he has freely given His son to die in ur place, to take away the curses in ur life, and to bring a flood of blessings into ur life. So seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be add to u.

We also have to cast all our cares to God and let Him be in control. By Doing so, we will find the God kind of peace where we can hear God's voice very clearly. This is where we can follow God and let Him be in control of our lives.

One week may be very short, but God will still be able to bless u at the very last minute. so lets stand in faith and believe God for the money to pay for the whole trip and have more than enough to spend there.

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